History of Our Support Group
Here is a very short history: Our first state meeting occurred on May 5, 2001 at
the Denver Marriott West Hotel with over 60 people attending. Our first December potluck was held at the Lakewood Library
December 1, 2001. Until early 2006 we continued to meet at the Lakewood Public Library. We then began meeting at St. Anthony's
Central Hospital (thank you) January, 2006 in the Birch Room in the basement. In March, 2008 we moved to Auditorium A at St.
Anthony's. Now in 2011 we have moved to the new St. Anthony's next to the Federal Center. After each event of interest to the GBS community, we have a panel of members who had attended give
us a breakdown of what's new and old in terms of the diagnosis and treatment for GBS and CIDP.